March 01, 2020
How is it already March 1 in the year 2020? I am not sure, but this is where my “new” blog begins. Instead of my daily flooding of images to a rather popular social media platform, I will instead try and write a little more about my days and then post a photo/video slideshow for anyone who wishes to indulge themselves in *cough cough* mum, dad, in-laws, etc *cough cough*.
So this blog will be very narcissistic, but if you already know me, you know this too well. So why don’t I just begin…
Today started out much like other Sunday’s in what we call “The Pancake House”, Lorelei waking up ridiculously early and her morning babble waking up Aurelia before the sun has even appeared over the trees. After our usual Sunday breakfast of pancakes, bacon, eggs and fruit, and let’s not forget the one and a half pots of coffee for Jonathan and I, we packed up and drove over to Kezar Lake to watch the ice harvest. This event had been postponed and then cancelled, but finally today the ice was thick enough to harvest. The wind was blowing and the temps hovered around 20F, but this is no big deal when you are wrapped up just right.

Even when the wind was whipping up snow as we tried to pose for a photo! It was so windy the girls were being pushed by the wind in the sled on the ice.
After enjoying some fun on the frozen lake we scurried back home so Lorelei could nap and Aurelia enjoy a teeny bonfire before we packed up for some indoor ice skating today. When the temps are below 30F and the wind is blowing, it can be tough to stay outside for too long with a three and a half year old and a one and half year old so you make choices for less tears. Hartford, VT provided the answer today for the pleas of Aurelia who really wanted to go skating.

Aurelia did a great job scooting around on the ice and even managed some nice gliding today that showed up some of the wobbly adults. And Lorelei was able to come with us if she sat on the crates, the smallest size skates we can find are waaaaay too big for her. So even though my hopes to hit up as many outdoor rinks this year didn’t happen, I am finding some great smooth practice opportunities for all of us indoors. Yes, I will admit that the advantages of indoor arenas are smooth groomed iced, perfect for littles to learn on. But my vision of skating outdoors with a scenic backdrop is not lost! My outdoor skating bucket list only grows longer…
And then we wrapped up our day with a special dinner out and a nice drive home past “Lantern Lane”. (sorry no photos of Lantern Lane tonight, but maybe in the future because it really is a beautiful way to end the day, especially with snow on the ground)
So tonight I sign off here, after putting the girls to bed and feeding ponies in the peaceful dark. Enjoy the slideshow below and hopefully more to come…