March 02, 2020
Happy Monday and what a relatively nice Monday morning it was. The sun was shining, Jonathan let me have a little sleep in and it was 25F when I went to feed the ponies their breakfast hay. Spring is definitely in the air.
So today, we made the third trek to Vermont in five days, to visit the Montshire Museum and take advantage of their preschool story hour. The theme was bubbles, which was very fitting as the girls have been into bubbles lately, no matter how cold it is outside. Rebecca read “Big Bad Bubble” by Adam Rubin. Quick synopsis… monsters are scared of bubbles. Rebecca did a great job captivating her audience and especially Aurelia who played along.
After the book, the kids got to experiment by making bubbles with different objects. Aurelia and Lorelei loved the bubble straws they made to blow bubbles and try to stick them to a circle clamp.

We spent two hours exploring maybe 1/4 of the exhibits today, which was perfect as we look forward to going back again soon and playing again. Plus in the summer there is even more to do outdoors. So I packed two very tired girls back into the car and took the scenic route home as they napped.
The sun shone again the the afternoon so we donned water proof clothes as the snow is melting, melting, melting… but still some good sledding to be had and general exploring while I took the opportunity to run hoses out and fill up the ponies water while it flows!

So here is my slideshow of today’s photos for your viewing pleasure…
PS You Would think after the action packed day we had the girls would be exhausted… well, we (Jonathan and I) made the mistake of letting the girls indulge in a little after dinner cannoli as dessert. Big mistake… an hour and a half past their normal bedtime and they are finally settled, ugh!