March 03, 2020
Today was a very Spring morning to wake up to. It was 34F when I went to feed ponies… in a t-shirt! And the sun was shining which made it even more enjoyable. The smells and sounds of spring were strange, but very welcome if we are not going to get anymore snow this winter. I just hope we have one mud season!

So Jonathan dropped Aurelia off at preschool this morning and Lorelei and I went to LSPA story hour to learn about the process of maple syrup. I always enjoy the refresher of identifying maple trees, learning the best place to put your taps in and the science of why temperature is important for best flow. Now, I just need to do it myself! Maybe not this year, but I think as the girls get older it will definitely be something we will try.

The girls where exhausted this afternoon. I think a mix of late night last night and waking up way too early this morning, and then the warm sunshine sent them into grumpy, ready for bed mode at 2pm! So we just hung out inside with the windows open reading lots of books and eventually Lorelei and I went to feed the lunch leftovers to the neighbors chickens.
So an early bedtime and hopefully sleeping until the alarm in the morning before another big day tomorrow…
Enjoy the slideshow of today’s photos…