March 08, 2020
This morning started off an hour earlier than normal. Yup, that time of year again when we spring forward. But it was a beautiful day so after a pancake breakfast we met Jonathan at Ragged to ski.

Aurelia got to go up the even bigger lift today and skied down Cardigan trail with Jonathan and Steve. She did great and loved telling me about it all afternoon.

We also made a quick pit stop at a Granpa’s Sugar Barn in Danbury on the way home. March is maple month here in NH and we try to stop by and visit as many new places as we can when they are boiling. Our neighbors where also boiling across the street tonight, it smelled amazing!

That extra hour of daylight at the end of the day was enjoyed too with some biking/scootering and swinging. Makes it feel like spring is really here, but it feels too early!

So it was a long exhausting day… that’s all I can write about so here is the slideshow…