March 09, 2020
Wow, what a beautiful day here in NH. The sun was shining and the temps reached 68F. Our morning started early as evereyone was awake early. Lorelei is really into puzzles lately and worked on a cute hedgehog puzzle. Everytime she got a piece together she would exclaim “Got it!”

Then after grocery shopping and I was trying to put things away the girls wanted to ride their bike and scooter, something they haven’t done for months! We have hardly any snow left.

Then of course Lorelei took a late nap so we had to hussle to get to the ski mountain to meet Joonathan as Aurelia wanted to go to the top again. It was so slushy it took her 40 minutes to get down! When you don’t weigh much you use a lot of energy in the mushy snow. Meanwhile Lorelei and I were working on our tans!

Let’s see what the rest of March brings, here is the slideshow from our day.