March 10, 2020
First things first… Lorelei made a pancake sandwich this morning… she stacked a pancake between two pancakes and ate it like a sandwich, she even offered me a bite of her amazing creation.

Today while Aurelia was at preschool for the morning I took Lorelei to New London story hour where the theme was trains. It is always lots of fun there with friends, stories, songs, crafts and bubbles! Lorelei usually starts off a little shy but once the shakers come out she is happy to dance and sing along.

Then we came home and no one wanted to nap after lunch so they went out to ride the bike and scooter around. Aurelia is getting very bold on her scooter and would go to the “top of the hill” on the road and glide back down to the driveway. Meanwhile Lorelei insists she is wearing the helmet correctly, and who is going to argue with her?

So we all had a horrible nights sleep last night and they are acting way over tired tonight… *fingers crossed* they sleep well tonight ready for another day! Here is the slideshow of all the photos from our day…