March 11, 2020
Jonathan had a day off today to join us for pool time during Aurelia’s swim lesson, yay! The girls loved swimming with their daddy, but Aurelia had worked herself up about jumping into the pool today and getting water up her nose again, so after a few tears, her amazing swim instructor had her giggles and participating, phew. And then after we all played in the water until our fingers and toes were ready to drop off.

So after we were all hungry and went to eat at Skinny Pancake, yummy.

Then after that we went back into Vermont to play at the Montshire Museum. The girls loved it there today as the place wasn’t busy at all, mainly littler kids like themselves too play with. They really got into the bubbles today which was fun with Jonathan there to help make sure Lorelei didn’t get too sudsy.

Then Jonathan made us a yummy chicken wing dinner which the girls devoured!

Well, I hope we tired them both out, I know I am beat. Here is the slide show of all today’s pictures…