March 17, 2020
This morning we woke to a dusting of snow. Not totally crazy for this time of year, buyt for this year in particular when our snow has already melted it was different. Aurelia went to preschool today and Lorelei got to do an online Mr Aaron music class. She was so cute singing and shaking along.

Lorelei and I also went for a snowy-ish walk/tractor ride around the yard before she took a nap, at which point it was time to pick up Aurelia. Aurelia was very excited because a leprechaun left her a treat in her mail box at school.

After lunch we went back outside for some more play. I am glad the girls are happy to be outside as much as possible lately.

So that was about it for the day, so here is the slideshow while I relax with a glass of bubbles just because!