March 31, 2020
Last day of the month and we woke up to a dusting of snow. After breakfast and morning chores, Lorelei enjoyed a Halloween themed live stream from Mr. Aaron. She was fascinated by the saxophone and shook her little heart out with “shakers”. So adorable, I can’t wait to go back to a real in person music class!

This spring we have seen so many pairs of ducks, today I saw a pair of American Black Ducks chilling in the backyard and managed to get an ok photo.

After Lorelei took a nice midday nap, during which Aurelia and I did a shop at the Co-op plus a drive by the Winslow State Park trailhead gate, we decided to take a snowy hike up the road from the closed gate. Well, by the time I got the girls dressed and ready mos tof the snow had melted but we still had a great hour hiking along and exploring on the road. There is still a giant pile of plowed snow at the gate so not sure when they will open it. Aurelia really wanted to hike to the playground, about 0.8 miles all up hill. Well, we made it about 0.2 miles in 35 minutes and then it was time to head back down. This road is pretty steep, not sure I could even pull them in the wagon the entire way without killing us on the way up or the way down!

After dinner the sun was still shining so Jonathan played with the girls outside while I moved horse feed and fed the ponies. It was a great evening to spend outdoors.

So here is the slideshow of all todays photos…