April 15, 2020
Today was a little cool with a brisk breeze blowing most of the day. After a little jaunt outside, Lorelei took a nice nap during which Olivia came by to ride Iniki and help Aurelia with a pony ride on Katty Girl.

It is always so weird watching someone else ride my little barrel on toothpick legs, but they both did great. The ground was really wet after the rain so they took it easy, mainly making sure Iniki was listening and responding, which she did. The had a little trotting but the soft ground is not the best, random places squelch a little too much and then dig the ground up. I did get the fence put up for the dressage size arena on the other side, maybe next time we will venture out there for better footing.

Aurelia had a great time riding, she never wants to stop! We couldn’t use the fenced in yard, still a bit of a puddle there and I don’t want to dig it up to mud if we can help it. But Olivia happily led them around the big paddock.

We ran some errands in New London and had a quick detour by Pleasant Lake. It was very windy, Aurelia did not like the noisy waves, but Lorelei wanted to explore.

And of course, when the weather is nice the girls need to goo feed the neighbors chickens.

Ooo, and we made a yummy pizza for dinner tonight too.

So that was a nice busy day here, and here is the slideshow of photos…