April 17, 2020
Earlier this week I managed to snag a free ticket to go visit Alnoba, an art/event space on 400 beautiful acres in Kensington, NH. Well worth the drive on a beautiful day like today.

The girls happily got in the car for an adventure and loved exploring all the cool installations, especially the red “waves” and the tree house.

There was so much to see and do. We were there for 2.5 hours and probably saw 40% of the attractions. Some of the things required a bit of a long hike for me and the girls to accomplish on our own.

It was a pretty cool place to experience, but unfortunately I tried to get more tickets when we came home to go again, but they have closed like everything else right now.

Oh well, I am grateful we managed to make it there before they closed. Here is the slideshow from our day…