April 19, 2020
What a difference a day makes… yesterday we woke up to snow and this morning we ate breakfast outside in the sunshine! It felt so nice to be sitting in the sun, savoring my coffee while the girls played in their PJ’s.

After breakfast Jonathan took his bike for a ride while Lorelei took a nice nap, during which Aurelia and I finally started planting the seeds in the pots we filled. It was a little windy though so we finished them off once we brought them inside. We put them in the dining room windows as that room is the sunniest and warmest this time of year. Fingers crossed we have lots of yumminess this summer!

Then after Lorelei woke up from her nap and Jonathan was home we groomed very muddy and hairy ponies and saddled up. Aurelia had a few trot circles today, both her and Katty did great. Lorelei had a ride too, and she LOVES it!

I rode Iniki and when II first got on the wind was very blustery and she was a little wound up, but she settled and moved off my leg nicely at the walk and I braved asking for a trot and she did right off the bat! Sometimes she is so lazy she would rather a few good taps than just trot. So I was very happy.

After riding the girls got ice cream because it was 63F.

It was a nice day, Jonathan even made us yummy scallops and fried rice for dinner. So here is the slideshow for today…