April 25, 2020
Hooray for nice sunny Saturdays! While it started off a little cloudy it cleared up and we spent lots of time outside today. Jonathan and Aurelia went for an early grocery shop and a few errands, (my trip yesterday was cut short with packed parking lots of queues out the door, no thank you, not that desperate yet!) Luckily there were no queues and they had a fun outing. Meanwhile Lorelei and I got to play and play and play before she finally went down for a nap.

While Lorelei napped Aurelia helped me bring in the last of the firewood and Jonathan grilled us a yummy lunch to enjoy in the sun.
Aurelia also grabbed my camera and took a bazillion photos from her point of view. Fun stuff!

Then once Lorelei woke up and ate, we saddled up ponies so us girls could have a ride. I love how they both love spending time with the horses.

Both ponies were great. Iniki and I did lots of trotting too. My legs are feeling it tonight, ugh!

After riding the girls got ice cream while us parents enjoyed a cold one.

A great day here in NH at home. Here is a link to the photos or enjoy the slideshow below…