April 5, 2020
Sunday here was better than the weather forecast predicted, we even had some sunshine for about 5 minutes! So this morning after pancakes when Lorelei was napping, Jonathan swapped the wheels over on my car to summer tyres and Aurelia and I played with ponies, yay!

While the ponies had their moments of “Noooo, too early!” Generally they were good but sooooo hairy and muddy. They are at the shedding stage where if you dare touch them or even look at them with a brush you unleash the wrath of never ending hair! So I just groomed them as best I could where the saddle goes, please don’t judge haha!

Aurelia LOVED that she got to ride both today. Jonathan was busy with car stuff so I didn’t bother him with photos, so I just took a few of her standing around but she did walk both around a little. She is so stinking cute up there!

Then after Aurelia helped wash my car and when Lorelei woke up from her nap she joined in a cooking lesson with Vava. Even though Lorelei was not baking chocolate cake with her cousins, she did some very impressive moving of ice from one bowl to another using a spoon and making water, haha!

We then took the care for a drive around Lake Sunapee to reset tyre pressure sensors and both girls took a nap. It was a bit dreary and rainy but still, I love driving past the fancy lake homes and dreaming.
Jonathan made us a yummy chicken dinner and that was the end of the day, well, until now I guess, plus the cleaning up of the kitchen and feeding ponies etc that happen every night once the girls are in bed.
Here is the slideshow…