April 7, 2020
Another beautiful sunny day here in paradise. After breakfast the girls made Humpty Dumpty’s out of paper as it was to be Aurelia’s craft project at preschool as they learned the nursery rhyme. The girls LOVED their Humpty Dumpty’s and treated them as good as baby dolls!

Then when Lorelei napped Aurelia and I went back out to finish plowing the garden and filling more pots ready for seeds. We found lots of little worms again and the cat even joined us.

After lunch the girls demanded we go feed the neighbors chickens. They are going to be very spoiled! And then there was lots of biking and scootering in the sun.

And before dinner lots of other play in the yard between lots of snacks.

Tonight we also have a full moon so here, enjoy a full moon photo and yes, it really was very orange on the horizon!

And here is the days slideshow…