May 1, 2020
Happy May Day! How we have managed to get this far in the year already I don’t know? Feels like time is rushing by too fast but at the same time, we have been keeping busy so looking back I feel like we are ready for May.
Still in Rhode Island waiting out the rain and spending time with Susan and Raffi, which means lots of delicious treats! Today Aurelia helped make pretzels, sooo yummy! And pretty easy, she mastered the twist (though I was upstairs snoozing with Lorelei for the majority of it, she will have to teach me!)

And thankfully the rain didn’t last all day. The afternoon was beautiful and we all went outside. We even uncovered and cleaned the deck furniture, Raffi grilled steaks for dinner which we enjoyed outside!

And here is the slideshow of all photos from the day that I took…