May 14, 2020
Today was a beautiful sunny day and no gale force winds blowing us away! Soo the morning started with some baseball practice, a bubble picnic on the deck (the black flies seem too like the grass), looking for the honey bees returning to the dandelions in our yard, and then while Lorelei napped I got too ride my pony!

Iniki was the perfect pony today. We did lots of trotting so my legs are jelly tonight… we both need too ease back into this I think. Then when Lorelei woke up we needed too go grocery shopping before a rainy day tomorrow and so we don’t need too goo on the weekend. But before we did we decided too stop in and hike one loop of the Philbrick Cricenti Bog in New London.

Lorelei did great on the boards, you pretty much follow them the entire way. Though there are a few foresty areas without. It’s a great place to walk and kill aa little time on a beautiful day without travelling too far from home.

And then we shopped and came home where I made delish from scratch chicken nuggets to go with left over from scratch mac’n’cheese (and I wonder why I am soo fat). So that was today…