June 1, 2020
Woke up bright and early, thank you Lorelei, to 34F and a light frost on the deck! Brrr, welcome June! And the forecast was not looking terribly warm so I lit the fire to get the chill from the air. Didn’t think I was going to do that again until later this year!
But because of the chill, it means less bugs! I took the girls to Petals in the Pines for a fun Tales Trail hike. This is such a great idea to get kids outside and reading. The book this month is “The Tree Farmer” by Chuck Leavell and Nicholas Cravotta. After we walked the Tale Trail we stopped to have a little snack on a big rock in the back garden then hiked the Dam Trail with a detour to a bridge before coming back to the car. Thankfully the mosquitos were not too bad on a day like today, just couldn’t stop too long near the slow moving creek. We will definitely have to come back and do this again when a new story is posted.

So after that adventure we ran some boring errands in Concord and came home. Lorelei was exhausted, she is starting to not want to nap in the car, gah! She instead took a late nap at home so Aurelia and I both rushed out to ride ponies! It was great riding weather and no bugs, yay!

And that was pretty much our day… watch photos below or click here…