June 18, 2020
June 18, 2020
Yay, a nice cool and not too buggy morning before 8 am so I book it to the ponies and have a ride. Iniki was great this morning, and I feel like I am not so jelly afterwards lately, yay! Slowly building up our ride times. Lot’s of working walk and short trot sets.

Then in the afternoon friends came over to beat the heat and join us at the swimming hole! Just what Aurelia needed, a confident friend to show her the swimming hole is not that scary to swim out deep, she is finally going out on her own, yay! And even Lorelei is trying to keep up with the big girls.

Lot’s of fun when friends can come share the water with us 🙂 For more photos click here or watch below…
June 17, 2020