July 12, 2020
July 12, 2020
Had a bit of a lazy morning here. Jonathan got up early and went for a motorcycle ride so the girls and I played, Lorelei took an early nap and then we went swimming after.

Then we packed a picnic and went to a local polo field to watch a match. I have been meaning to go and see the grounds for ages and finally it was a good afternoon to go hangout and relax while watching ponies gallop around.

It was really fun and the girls loved when the ponies came thundering by. A very relaxed game, I don’t even know who the teams where, I could look it up I guess but I am lazy. Anyway, we will go back and watch some more hopefully.
Then out day ended with pancake brekkie for dinner and picking flowers.

So for more photos click here or watch below…
July 11, 2020