July 15, 2020
Yay, the weather was actually doing what they forecast this morning and then stuck with it. Soo we had a lazy morning at home with the high hopes of Lorelei napping but that didn’t happen, oh well. But our afternoon plans of meeting friends for a hike turned out great!
We went to the Phillips Memorial Preserve Trail between Otter Pond and Goose Hole Pond. The loop was about a mile and we spent 2.5 hours with the kids (4 years and 2 years) exploring. It was the perfect day too, cool enough that the bugs didn’t bother us but warm enough that dipping our feet in the water felt good.

Definitely a hike to go back to as it was only a 15 minute drive away but had the ups and downs to make it just challenging enough for the little kids too tire them out before bed!
So once the kids were fed, bathed and in bed I went out too ride Iniki. So glad I made the effort to, she was great! I put my “old” dressage saddle on her and she seemed to move a little better. She is still rather round and I am having trouble keeping a saddle behind her shoulders. Anyway, we trotted poles tonight and she was a star! Yay! As you can see below, I am very happy 🙂

So for more photos of todays adventures click here or watch below!