July 3 – 5, 2020
This weekend was our rain date family weekend bonfire and fireworks. While we didn’t have a big show of guests it was still a fun way to catch up and celebrate with Jonathan’s family. We lucked out and only had a brief rain shower on Friday afternoon but nothing to dampen our spirits!

On Saturday we started with putting out our flags, lots pf playing and picnicking, swimming, making dessert, feeding the neighbors chickens and ducks, eating and lots more playing before the bonfire and fireworks.

And it couldn’t have been more perfect as the full moon rose behind our fireworks display! What a great way to say Happy Birthday America!
Then the next day it was pony rides, more swimming and eating.

And then I would say it ended with some bubbly in the rain on the deck…

And that’s about all I can say about that weekend. It is always such a whirlwind of fun. Enjoy more photos by clicking here or watch below…