August 15, 2020
What is this? A nice cool day in the 70’s? So we saddle up ponies and enjoy this weather. I rode Iniki first, she was such a devil to get ready but once my butt hit the saddle she was perfect! She has had too much time off again, but she was really obedient and did some really nice leg yielding at a walk so I can’t complain.
Then we saddled up Katty Girl for the kids and I also set up a “cups” game with poles and cups they have to move. The girls didn’t have any trouble moving their reins into one hand and maneuvering themselves to reach for the cups. So cute how they thought it was the best thing ever, haha!

So lucky to share this with the girls 🙂
Then we made a fort in the backyard and had a picnic dinner by the fire to end the day.

For more photos click here or watch below…