Montshire Museum – September 23, 2020
While Aurelia was at school today and during Jonathan’s work break I got to ride, yay! And wow, I didn’t think it was possible but Iniki is getting chunkier…

But she is adorable and a great riding pony.
Then after we picked up Aurelia from school I was tired of the kids asking about skis so we went and got skis and boots for the girls. They are all set for the snow to fly!

And because we were in the area we stopped in at the Montshire Museum for some playtime. We pretty much had the place to ourselves and I tried to get the girls to explore places we hadn’t before like the “Play Grove”. They would have stayed there until dark if I had let them! So much fun building, running through ribbons, balancing, pretending, swinging, creating etc.

So much to see and do, it definitely takes multiple trips so we will have to go back for more soon. For more photos click here or watch below…