September 20, 2020
Woke up to a beautiful morning so we cooked our pancake brekkie on the grill. Need to make the most of these sunny and warm days, as I keep saying!

Then we packed a picnic and drove north the Weirs Beach and jumped on board the Mount Washington cruise boat on Lake Winnipesaukee. We had the perfect day for it, sunny and very little wind, which makes for a most enjoyable boat ride. The girls did great for the two and a half hour ride, I think the trick is the picnic. Such a novelty on a boat, plus they enjoyed watching all the boats, jet skis, birds, people in their yards and planes going by too. Their arms must be tired from waving, haha!

Then for dinner we enjoyed the Thanksgiving style fare at Hart’s Turkey Farm. I don’t think I will need to eat for another week!

Such a fun visit with fun friends! For more photos click here or watch below…