Odiorne Point State Park – September 4, 2020
Aurelia had her pre-K orientation morning today so to celebrate we drove to Odiorne Point State Park after to celebrate! It was nice and hot so we first cooled off in the chilly ocean water. But as cold as the water was, it was very refreshing.

It is a really big and pretty park. The beach at the south end was pretty rocky and lots of sea “stuff”, so water shoes were a good idea but not really needed if you are ok with treading on slimy and scratchy things. The girls were pretty done by the time we were finished with the water so we didn’t get to walk and explore much, plus it was high tide so the tide pools were covered. But from what we did explore, we will definitely be back!

Lot’s of cool history and and great views! And when times are normal there is a great playground for the kiddos. Afterwards we enjoyed a seafood dinner, something you need to do when you visit the ocean!

And after a quick pit stop we drove home with some very happy but exhausted kids. For more photos click here or watch below…