Halloween – October 31, 2020
October 31, 2020
So today didn’t go exactly as I imagined it would but we still ended up with way too much candy and fun memories. It was a cold morning so we stayed in and did some boring things around the house then after lunch we met Jonathan at Camp Wilmot to “trunk or treat”.
At least the sun was shining there, but it was still chilly!

Then after a quick 10 minute drive in the car to warm up we stopped at the town green in Wilmot for more Halloween fun with friends with another layer of warmth!

And it ended with Lorelei stacking it during the “mummy race” with lots of tears and dirt up the nose. Oh well, then we got back into the car and trick or treated at the ends of driveways before home. For more photos click here or watch below…
First Snow - October 30, 2020