November 21, 2020
Well, the forecast was way off and in a great way today! Another sunny day in the 50’s so we saddle Katty back up for more riding after boring chores indoors. Aurelia has decided she likes to take photos of Lorelei so we have some cute pictures of Lorelei to share today.

And Aurelia had a great ride on Katty today. She is very determined to ride on her own, even though Katty sometimes has the complete opposite in mind, Aurelia rode her through most of the “walking back to the center of the ring” moments and kept her out and did some great trotting all by herself! No photos… if I take my attention off Katty for even half a second that pony knows and will do her own thing haha! Such a funny pony, doing as her little rider wants when I have my eye on her!

And Aurelia was a great big sister and helped Lorelei cool Katty out.
Then we cleaned up, slammed down some lunch and headed to Manchester to pick up our fresh 17lb turkey! We met the turkey at Bardo farm a couple weeks back and decided to check out the market and other vendors where the farm takes their produce. Needless to say we also came home with some great smelling coffee beans (have to try it tomorrow morning!) and a yummy loaf of sourdough that we enjoyed with dinner.
And our errands weren’t complete as we stopped in at Concord to pick up horse feed, of course the only place within an hour that has Katty’s preferred grain!
So that was pretty much our day. For more photos click here or watch below…