November 23, 2020
Aurelia has this week off school so we decided to do a little school at home. The girls wanted to make a turkey craft but we didn’t have brown paint so the first thing we had to do was experiment and make brown from the three primary colors.

Then once we had brown paint we painted our turkey bases. Then the girls cut out their “feathers” and glued everything on. (Lorelei had a little help but Aurelia managed most of hers on her own!)

I think it came out pretty cute considering the supplies we had on hand for a last minute project.
And it was a very rainy day so we watched Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and the Mayflower episode too. Aurelia knew a lot about the Mayflower and the pilgrims arriving from preschool, I was pretty impressed and learned a lot from her too!
Then they wanted to be ponies and eat apples so they could feed the cores to their real ponies.

And inbetween there was lots of books, tickle fights and Slamwich matches! A fun rainy day. For more photos click here or watch below…