December 29, 2020
Jonathan left early again to go patrol at Ragged but it was cold and windy so we skipped a visit today. Instead Aurelia wanted to try cross country skiing, so I brought out the hand me down skis from a friend that were in the basement for her to try. While the boot is a little big we managed to lace them tight enough that she managed to do rather well! She totally impressed me, and Lorelei too, as they were out in the cold wind on our little patch of snow for two hours today. They both learned some basic technique and how to get up if they fall. Hopefully I can get out on the trails with them, but maybe not this year as my legs/hips have been bothering me.

And we also played lots of games and read lots of books today. A fun day despite the chilliness outside. For more photos and videos click here or watch below…