January 10, 2021
Today we attempted to ski at Ragged on a weekend morning and were reminded of why we are weekday skiers. Luckily despite it being crazy busy, the girls still had a fun time and didn’t want to stop, but the wind was enough to for me to call it quits with frozen hands and nose.
Aurelia got to ski some whalebacks, Lorelei decided to go down the big magic carpet area on her own which ended with a spectacular catch by me before she lifted off into a ditch (no photos/video of that unfortunately!), and Jonathan also got caught on camera falling in front of Aurelia haha!

Then home to our usual yummy brunch, very much needed after a fun morning.

Then I took an afternoon nap while Jonathan and the girls xc skied in the backyard followed by lots of snacking and dinner. Another great way to spend a Sunday in NH.
For more photos and videos click here or watch below…