April 29, 2021
Today was a rainy day so we planned to get things done inside and a movie. But first…. before the rain we took out scavenger hunts from yesterday into the back yard to see what we could see. Well, we didn’t find too much but it was fun following the girls around, bush whacking their way after beaver trails and splashing in vernal pools.

Then we watched Babe. I forgot how well made that movie is. The girls liked it too, I was a bit worried they would be upset about the whole eating of animals but the thing they got most emotional about was the puppies being sold off from their mother haha! Funny kids.
And then when Jonathan took the girls upstairs for bedtime I took Virgil for his first ride in the truck, in the rain, to go grocery shopping because we had pretty much nothing. Fun times.
So for more photos click here or watch below…