May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
This time of year when there is the slightest breeze and it’s nice out you ride! Hardly a bug to annoy us, yay! Both girls had great rides. Aurelia is really starting to get her posting trot going. I am so unfit… I need to put her back on the lunge line so I don’t have to run… or buy them a pony!

Then after lunch we thought friends would be at Kezar Lake but it was really windy and not the best beach day so we ended up just playing at the playground for a while.

And a day would not be complete without roller skating or biking…

And for dinner we bummed a meal at the fire department.

We also watched hummingbirds while brushing teeth. For more photos and videos click here or watch below…
May 26, 2021