May 9, 2021
Mother’s Day was a busy but fun one! I finally got a kayak, woohoo! So of course, met a friend at Highland Lake for a paddle and mimosas first thing. It was a perfect May morning for it too.

Then home for pancake brunch with all the extras.

Then more presents from Aurelia.

And then Aurelia got to open a birthday present early!

She finally got the roller skates she has been asking for for forever! And then we opened a forgotten parcel for Virgil and good thing, there was lemon and limes in there!

And then while Virgil napped I took the ‘Vette out to stretch her legs.

And then I came home and had some target practice.

And then during dinner there was a fox who had taken a neighbors chicken and was trying to take it back via our yard to it’s den but I guess our cat thought it would be funny to taunt the fox! It was quite the show.

And after that I saw the beaver in the yard but it jumped in the river when I tried to take a photo and the sun had set so it was really dark out so this is the best I could do…

A fun and exhausting Sunday. For more photos and videos click here or watch below…