Saturday, July 17, 2021 – Looking at Ponies
Sooooo… today we went over to Hartland, Vermont to take a look and test ride on two ponies with the hopes of bringing one home. Well, long story short, we bought both!
The first pony is Aunt Toni, 11hh 8 years old and an absolute sweetie. Rides and drives, is a little bow legged up front but nothing that seemed to cause her any issue.
The second pony is Lisa Jean, 11.2hh 6 years old and a little more pep in her step but still a real sweetie. She has a very athletic build and I can see her becoming competitive if that is what the girls want to do.
We took a lunch break and watched some showjumping at GMHA too which the girls liked.
So now after spending the day at this most amazing farm in VT where the owner is into carriage driving, we need to get the little paddock and barn ready for ponies!