April 21, 2020
A nice morning to spend outdoors today before it really started to rain. Including finding the first opened daffodil out the front! And when it did rain we made cookies, chatted to family via video and snacked… lots of snacking.…
April 20, 2020
Another nice sunny day here. While it did start off sunny, it was a little breezy and cloudy in the middle of the day while Lorelei napped but then the winds died right down and it warmed up again. We…
April 19, 2020
What a difference a day makes… yesterday we woke up to snow and this morning we ate breakfast outside in the sunshine! It felt so nice to be sitting in the sun, savoring my coffee while the girls played in…
April 18, 2020
We woke up to beautiful fat snowflakes this morning, but the warm temperatures did not mean much accumulation and it melted fast. We did manage a morning hike around the trails from our yard as the snow was falling but…
April 17, 2020
Earlier this week I managed to snag a free ticket to go visit Alnoba, an art/event space on 400 beautiful acres in Kensington, NH. Well worth the drive on a beautiful day like today. The girls happily got in the…
April 16, 2020
What a crazy day weather wise here! Every five minutes it would change from beautiful blue skies to a snow squall so we were running in and out all day. Sometimes the sun would be shining as the snow was…
April 15, 2020
Today was a little cool with a brisk breeze blowing most of the day. After a little jaunt outside, Lorelei took a nice nap during which Olivia came by to ride Iniki and help Aurelia with a pony ride on…
April 14, 2020
Yay, a sunny day here in NH. This morning we went outside and Aurelia found 9 rocks in the front yard (the plow over the winter sprays golf ball sized rocks from the side of the road all over our…
April 13, 2020
It was a rainy day here today. We stayed home and inside reading lots, taking naps, coloring, writing, all that fun stuff. The in the late afternoon the girls watch My Neighbor Totoro which they loved, yay! So not many…
April 12, 2020
Easter was a little different this year. We stayed home and enjoyed a relaxing day in this nice weather. After gathering eggs the bunny left and a chocolate chip pancake breakfast, Jonathan went for a bike ride while Lorelei and…