• Daily Blog

    March 12, 2020

    This morning while Aurelia was at preschool Lorelei and I went to playgroup at St. Andrews church in New London. It has been a small group lately of kids mostly around Lorelei’s age which has been great! They all get…

  • Daily Blog

    March 11, 2020

    Jonathan had a day off today to join us for pool time during Aurelia’s swim lesson, yay! The girls loved swimming with their daddy, but Aurelia had worked herself up about jumping into the pool today and getting water up…

  • Daily Blog

    March 10, 2020

    First things first… Lorelei made a pancake sandwich this morning… she stacked a pancake between two pancakes and ate it like a sandwich, she even offered me a bite of her amazing creation. Today while Aurelia was at preschool for…

  • Daily Blog

    March 09, 2020

    Wow, what a beautiful day here in NH. The sun was shining and the temps reached 68F. Our morning started early as evereyone was awake early. Lorelei is really into puzzles lately and worked on a cute hedgehog puzzle. Everytime…

  • Daily Blog

    March 08, 2020

    This morning started off an hour earlier than normal. Yup, that time of year again when we spring forward. But it was a beautiful day so after a pancake breakfast we met Jonathan at Ragged to ski. Aurelia got to…

  • Daily Blog

    March 07, 2020

    Jonathan had an early morning fire department training and the weather was a little chilly this morning so we had a lazy day at home catching up on indoor and outdoor chores. Lot’s of vacuuming, dusting, laundry and putting things…

  • Daily Blog

    March 06, 2020

    This morning we had a visit from the horse dentist to check up on and balance the ponies teeth. Jessica is amazing, I highly recommend her her if you are looking for someone who genuinely cares about the well being…

  • Daily Blog

    March 05, 2020

    Ugh… Lorelei did not sleep in her own bed last night which means I had a terrible nights sleep. Somehow I made it through the day without a nap, but I need a little me time before bed, so this…

  • Daily Blog

    March 04, 2020

    Wednesday’s have become our earliest mornings of the week as Aurelia is now taking swim lessons ahead of swimming season here. I signed her up at UVAC in Vermont and we are loving it so far. The pool has a…

  • Daily Blog

    March 03, 2020

    Today was a very Spring morning to wake up to. It was 34F when I went to feed ponies… in a t-shirt! And the sun was shining which made it even more enjoyable. The smells and sounds of spring were…