Daily Blog

March 14, 2020

First things first… it’s Pi day and I forgot to make a pie or I was too busy. Maybe later this week I will have time or remember because I really like pie.

So the other first thing was this morning when Aurelia woke up the very first words from her mouth were “Mummy, are your high heels downstairs? Can we go downstairs?” She saw me leave last night in high heels, that I never wear and really wanted to wear them.

And it was a gorgeous day out and Jonathan was patrolling at Ragged so I packed the girls up after breakfast and we enjoyed a sunny day at the mountain. I got to enjoy a couple runs on my own and Aurelia got to enjoy the turns down from the top with her daddy. Lorelei did her usually 2 runs down the magic carpet area and then just wanted to play and snack in the snow. Works for us for now, hopefully next year she will be more into it and join us!

Then I took the girls home for lunch and naps, but it was so nice out the girls just wanted play in the sunshine. Fine with me! We found a purple crocus and tulips starting to peek up!

Spring is definitely around the corner! Enjoy today’s photos in the slideshow…

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