Daily Blog,  Kid Stuff NH

Corn Maze + Apple Picking – September 10, 2020

Today was an awesome day to go explore the cornmaze at Riverview Farm in Plainfield, NH. We met up with some homeschooling friends and followed the path through the maze to learn about some NH monsters. It was a fun theme, and while not technically a maze this year, more just a one way winding track, it was still fun.

Aurelia ran ahead with the big kids through the maze and Lorelei and I tagged along behind with some of the smaller kids. Once we popped out the other side we found flower gardens and apple trees with lots of fruit to pick.

Then when we went to pay for all the fun, the kids found it fun to all jump on some giant scales while they waited.

And I should also mention it was hot today! Summer is still here! For more photos click here or watch below…

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