Daily Blog,  Kid Stuff NH

Squam Lakes Natural Science Centre – September 29, 2020

Taking advantage of the change in the forecast, it was supposed to rain but it isn’t yet, yay! The girls and I went to Squam Lakes Natural Science Centre to visit the animals. We usually visit a couple times a year but because of the current state of things we put it off until a new friend told us about their experience during the weekday. So glad we decided to go, the place was empty and we saw all the animals except the mountain lions.

I really just wanted to go see a real bobcat or two, and I wasn’t disappointed, because we recently saw a bobcat on the road and I wanted too take a closer look as our sighting was quick and afar. Such cool looking cats, and I think it is exciting that there is at least one venturing around here!

So anyway, here are some highlight photos of our adventure…

After that we stopped by Meredith and sat by the lake to eat a late lunch and enjoy the views. I also picked up a dollhouse for the girls last night and they love playing with it! Hopefully the new people for it arrive soon!

That’s it for today, you might also like to know we did not eat pizza for dinner haha! For more photos click here or watch below…

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