Daily Blog,  Kid Stuff NH

Bardo Farm – November 12, 2020

It was a chilly day but we braved the threat of rain and headed to Bardo Farm to visit with all the animals and hang out with friends. One of the kids on the farm even came up with a fun scavenger hunt for us all to complete.

As well as all the animals there was a pile of “giant marshmallows” for the kids to explore…

But I guess the real stars of the farm are the pigs… especially the newest piglets!

There was also calves, sheep, turkeys, chickens, ducks, geese, cows and probably the girls fave thing… a bridge!

And then we left a little early… we did not all get a very good nights sleep the night before and the cold just tipped us over the edge. Oh well, a fun time had while it lasted!

For more photos click here or watch below…

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