Daily Blog

March 16, 2020

Today we had a day at home, which wasn’t so bad as the sun was shining and that always seems to make the world of difference. We started with an online music class with our fave music teacher… Mr. Aaron! It was pretty fun watching the girls sing along and shake some vitamin bottles for shakers. They also got down on the floor and danced around, sent him some messages and loved when he spoke back to them.

Then we went outside in the sunshine. Aurelia wanted to scooter and Lorelei wanted a tractor ride, so, as you wish!

By the time we got half way down the road Lorelei was yawning so we headed home where she did not take a nap. Oh no, please don’t give up naps so early kid! I need some time without you still, haha! But instead of a nap she had an hour oof quiet time in her crib chatting to her stuffed animals. So Aurelia and I made banana muffins and I just want to say that they came out amazing!

So then we went back outside for more play in the sunshine.

And when the wind turned little hands cold and made noses run we came back in to make puzzles, play a hilarious game of hide and seek until dinner time and then take two very sleepy girls to bed.

So now I am done for the day, I did go and make a big grocery trip after the girls were in bed too. So here is today’s slideshow of photos…

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